Dandy’s Land

dandy’s land takes the listener on a journey through my yard and into my woods, land originally purchased by my great grandfather Robert “Dandy” Dewitt Brown in 1923. i conceived of a piece where the listener walks along a path of music, musicians situated around, always playing. the listener as they slowly follow the path experiences the slow change of sound environment as new musicians are approached along the way, and other players’ sound fades away behind. in the summer of 2012 i assembled good friends and close family to perform my environmental music installation conception contraption piece thing. instruments played are: school bell (f#), guitar, drumset, guitar, cymbals (5 different cymbalists doubling), snare drum, canoe, keyboard, cello, banjo, as well as 2 battery-powered boomboxes playing a pre-written piece of mine called ‘improvisation’ on 2 different hillsides facing each other. i traveled the path myself with my older brother glen behind filming


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